
CalcNow.co is a website that provides various online calculators and converters. Our tools cover date and time, health, finance, unit conversions, and other areas. We aim to offer accurate and easy-to-use calculators for everyday use.

Who We Are

CalcNow.co was created by a programmer with a passion for creating simple online tools. The site was born from a desire to make calculations easier for everyone. With a focus on simplicity and usefulness, this site aims to provide calculators that anyone can use without hassle.

What We Offer

CalcNow.co features an extensive collection of calculators, including but not limited to:

  • Unit calculators   (length, weight, temperature, etc.)
  • Health calculators   (body mass index, ideal weight, etc.)
  • Financial calculators   (salary, percentage, etc.)
  • Date Time calculators   (age, time between dates, etc.)
  • And many more!

Our Commitment

CalcNow.co is designed to make calculations simple and efficient. All our calculators use up-to-date formulas and data to ensure precise results. We respect your privacy and do not store any personal information entered into our calculators.

Our website is designed to be accessible on various devices, ensuring you can perform calculations wherever you are. We regularly update our tools and add new calculators based on user feedback and emerging needs.


We value your feedback and suggestions. If you have any questions, comments, or ideas for new calculators, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at info@calcnow.co.